Sălaj – Mlaștina de la Iaz

SJ-001-Mlaștina de la Iaz Wetland

General information

The marsh from Iaz, located at 319 m, is included in the foothills of the Plopiș Mountains, and is located, from an administrative point of view, in the commune of Plopiș, Sălaj county. From a biogeographical point of view, the ecosystem is integrated into the thermo-nemoral zone, the peatland being eutrophic. The ecosystem area has 0.088 ha.

Restoration works

04.2024Although we would have liked to contribute more to the restoration of this peatland, the only possible works implemented at Mlaștina de la Iaz focused on increasing its visibility. Moreover, the location currently benefits from local recognition, and its high accessibility also contributes to its visitation.

Creating promotional materials

2.2024 – In order to promote the peatland ecosystems associated with the NWPEAT project, several distinct informational and promotional materials have been created for each peatland. In this regard, Mlaștina de la Iaz Peatland has a digital brochure and a billboard that will be placed on-site.

Restoration scheme – Mlaștina de la Iaz

25.02.2022 – To restore the functions of SJ-001-Mlaștina de la Iaz ecosystem, it is envisaged to achieve an optimal hydrological balance and improve the ecosystem state. The main pressures affecting this wetland are intensive drainage and grazing.

Field documentation – Mlaștina de la Iaz

27.04.2022 – The UBB project team had a field documentation at Mlaștina de la Iaz. During this activity, photos were taken regarding the ecological status of the area, aerial monitoring of the area was carried out, water samples were taken regarding the water quality, and an assessment of the biodiversity of this ecosystem was carried out.

Meeting Plopiș representatives

23.05.2022 – Together with the Norwegian partners from NINA, the NWPEAT project team had a working meeting with several stakeholders relevant to the implementation of the restoration works of the peatland such as representatives of local authorities (Local Council of Plopiș) and civil society. Some particular specificities of the area were highlighted (through the contribution brought by the Ethnographic Museum “Ligia Bodea”). Some of the traditional elements will be reflected in some restoration works of the swamp.

Habitat mapping – Mlaștina de la Iaz

2.08.2022 – Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa (91E0*) occupy this wetland, respectively the Thelypterido palustris – Alnestum glutinosae association. Amphibian and reptile species have been inventoried in the peatland proximity.

Field trip at Mlaștina de la Iaz

3.03.2023 – Celebrating World Wetlands Day, the NWPEAT team organized a field trip at Mlaștina de laz.

Another objective targeted during this field trip was the Folk Art Museum, where Ligia Bodea, the owner of this space, was our host. Supported by her family, Ligia Bodea succeeds in conveying to those who cross the threshold of relocated and restored households the authenticity of her native places.

Meeting with the owners of the Mlaștina de la Iaz

27.03.2023 – The road to the restoration of the Iaz peatland is full of many challenges. In this context, once the legal status of this peatland was clarified, we met with its owners. We are glad to have had their goodwill and understanding, but also an openness to our activities proposed.

The field survey taken at Mlastina de la Iaz during this spring also allowed the recording of the genuine soundscape. 

Interviews with the local community

25.07.2023 – More often, peatlands, known as marshes or peat bogs, are perceived as abandoned/unused sites. Exceptions are those peatlands that record tourist functions. This is also the case for Mlaștina de la Iaz, considered by some inhabitants as being “a magical place”.

The NWPEAT team conducted interviews with some residents of Iaz and Plopiș during July 2023 in order to identify their perception of the benefits of peatlands.